
I have Been a little off the blog radar of late, I have been easing myself into a new job which is going really well. I have also been getting on with some drawings for the Ashmolean museum in Oxford, its the first museum don't you know. I am doing these little pencil drawings for the new displays which launch in November 09. They aren't my usual but I have got quite into these science text book diagrams! Who knows, I could be a pretty big deal soon....in the world of roman coins. K


This is more work following the old people story that I have been banging on about. It is set in a sweet shop, this is the skeleton of my first drawing of the exterior view. I have added a bit more detail since this photo which I will get up soon, I am loving working on a larger scale, but I'm getting carpet burns.


Alexi and tortoise


Look at this gnarled chap. He is part of my old people extravaganza. I need to start giving these characters some structure...the story is coming. K


'The girl who falls down stairs, calls my name through the air'


This is a sketch from my snowy day off. I had an odd dream the other night...I was in a strange house made up of all the houses which are in my dreams all the time. This one had a fireplace that you could walk into and inside there was a miniature Victorian shop front. Either side of it were real sized twin staircases. They led to floors in the house that I hadn't been to. I wish I was a technical drawer so I could show the sense of space properly. It was like Josies studio, outside, inside, upside down. I felt like a toddler. I hope I have it again. K


'Brawn'  -  exploring the misconceptions of power.  A .

'Cupboard Love'  

Some Smiths inspired doodles. J x
Stop me if you think you've heard this one before.


Sketch book sundays

Here are some more drawings. From my lazy weekend, which I am loving. K